A Fall Full of the Arts in Fargo Moorhead

As we inch closer to November, it’s a great time to go out on the town for some top-notch performances in the Fargo Moorhead area.

To get you started, here are a few of the events and productions you can enjoy this fall.

Through November 2nd, Fargo Moorhead Community Theatre presents “Sweeney Todd” It’s a musical thriller (not for kids). The vengeful barber, Sweeney Todd, comes back after 15 years in prison to get back at the corrupt judge who took him from his family. “Upon his return to London, Todd’s need for retribution becomes indiscriminately murderous when he reunites with the unscrupulous Mrs. Lovett and opens his new practice above her failing meat pie shop. The two form a diabolical partnership giving him a razor-sharp opportunity for revenge while providing her a special ingredient for her pies that has people hungry and lining up for more.”

In December, FMCT presents “A Christmas Carol” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” http://www.fmct.org/

Enjoy “La Mer The Sea” at the FM Symphony in November or “Cold Weather, Hot Music” in January.

Photo credit: FM Symphony Masterworks concert photo by Darren Losee

Interested in the opera? The Fargo Moorhead Opera will present “Amahl and the Night Visitors” in December. “This enchanting Christmas story follows the Wisemen on their journey to Bethlehem. They stop for shelter at the home of a desperately poor widow and her young son. A miracle occurs that will warm the hearts of the audience.” https://www.fmopera.org

The FM Ballet, along with a live professional orchestra, will present the Classic Nutcracker in December .

At Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) Theatre, check out several main stage performances throughout the year including Charlotte’s Web in November.

Concordia Theatre will present “Young Frakenstein” in November.

In December enjoy Handel’s Messiah or Madrigal Dinners at NDSU .

Still a few dates to fill in on your calendar? Check out the Arts Partnership’s calendar of events! www.ArtsPartnership.net

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