GFMEDC Meeting Notice

Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
11:30 a.m. – GFMEDC        


  1. Call to Order
  2. Citizen Comments
  3. Consideration to Approve Consent Agenda – September 2018 Financials
  4. Nomination Committee – Approval of Nomination Committee Members
  5. Fueling Our Future – Approval of Joint Venture Agreement
  6. President’s Report
    1. Staff & Board Work
      1. Staff Development
      2. Board Visioning, Planning & Structure
      3. Budget
    2. Programming
      1. Research & Data Systems
      2. Communications & Marketing
      3. Workforce Development
      4. Innovation
      5. Business Development
    3. Additional Items
    4. Adjournment


GFMEDC Mission Statement
The Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development Corporation (GFMEDC) is a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity. Using a comprehensive approach to economic development, the GFMEDC accelerates job and wealth creation in Cass County, ND and Clay County, Minn.

The discussion of some of the above topics may be held in executive session rather than during the portion of the meeting that is open to the public. If this is a regular meeting, additional topics may be discussed. If this is a special or emergency meeting, the governing body’s discussion will be limited to the topics and executive session listed above.

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