UAS and Growing Midwest Market Opportunities

Join Defense Alliance, the Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corporation, the Great Plains Chapter of AUVSI and our Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development Corporation for a free two-hour informational webinar for small business:

Autonomous & Unmanned Systems: Market Opportunities and the Growing Influence of the Upper Midwest.”
Thursday, JUNE 4th from 9-11 CDT


The webinar will focus on the UAS market, principally in the Upper Midwest – its business and education opportunities, R&D efforts, potential partnerships, etc.

Autonomous & Unmanned Systems (AUS) are collectively a massive global technology market, serving defense and law enforcement, climate & pollution monitoring, energy systems, farming and many other industries. The direct and supporting technologies needed include air, ground and undersea vehicles, sensor and guidance systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning. 

Though already on a significant growth curve prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the focus by companies across many industry sectors on autonomous technologies is now moving forward at an accelerated clip, and the Greater Fargo Moorhead region has significant advantages we can capitalize on. This webinar will feature an impressive group of experts who will cover market basics and major programs of this rapidly growing enterprise, point to R&D and contract opportunities, and introduce education and career paths available in the Upper Midwest region.

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