Meeting Notice October 9, 2019

GFMEDC Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 9th, 2019
7:30 a.m. – Microsoft


  1. Call to Order
  2. Citizens’ Comments
  3. Accept September Financial Statements*
  4. Accept IRS Form 990*
  5. Appoint Nominating Committee*
  6. Discuss Plans for Board Strategic Planning
  7. President’s Items
    • 2020 Budget and Plan of Work preparation
    • Future lobbying by EDC
    • General updates from current plan of work
  8. Adjournment

* – Items marked with an asterisk may require committee action

Please note, this meeting was originally scheduled for Wednesday, October 16th, the GFMEDC will no longer hold a meeting on October 16th.

The discussion of some of the above topics may be held in executive session rather than during the portion of the meeting that is open to the public. If this is a regular meeting, additional topics may be discussed. If this is a special or emergency meeting, the governing body’s discussion will be limited to the topics and executive session listed above.

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