The EDC’s playbook is full. Our organization attends and supports 1 Million Cups, the entrepreneurial gathering; meets with K-12 superintendents; organizes manufacturing tours for high schoolers and recruits companies to our community (and that’s just a small sampling of our activities).
We’re a bit different from the economic development corporation you might remember. We’ve evolved in response to the current economic climate. Our business attraction strategy targets specific sectors like technology and unmanned aerial systems (drones). But we do so much more to create a community that is attractive to new business. This is important since we boast a very low unemployment rate with a high number of open jobs which inhibits our ability to recruit companies to the area.
Our organization sees a bigger picture for the Fargo Moorhead metro. We see a region where education, entrepreneurism and businesses come together to create a better economy.
Our vision includes a place where education equips needed workers, as well as future leaders, who take ideas and turn them into companies. With that in mind, we partner with area schools and higher education institutions to prepare a workforce that aligns with industry and business needs. We also meet with companies on a regular basis. From those conversations, we create, promote or enhance policies and programs that support business growth. New businesses want to move to a community that is vibrant and dynamic. Great education, supportive infrastructure and business-friendly legislation are part of making an attractive community. When you look at it from a broad, long-term perspective, it all makes sense.
We bring people together with a shared vision for a vibrant regional economy. Working on multiple fronts, the EDC creates pathways for collaboration between public and private sectors and supports environments that lead to job and wealth creation.
The synergies created by these efforts and shared vision create an extraordinary environment for work, learning and living. Our efforts help to develop, attract and retain a qualified workforce, while bringing in new business and taking existing businesses to new levels. We inspire entrepreneurs and equip influencers to successfully market our region to the world.